The Few, the Proud, Your Islanders!

Sunday, January 3, 2016


As I was watching Star Wars: The Force Awakens, I thought I had a better chance of finding out where Luke Skywalker was hiding than trying to figure out what the city's Top Ten teams look like.

One thing for sure, the dynamics of District races has changed through the years. It was almost a given to predict which teams were coming out from each District into the State playoffs. In some cases, it was a given in what numerical seeds those teams were going to be as well.

But with the emergence of Club ball around the city as well as with a lot of quality trainers, High School teams are getting more and more competitive because there are more quality players around the city.

For the record, in my opinion, the term "Elite Player" is used too loosely by some.

But it's almost starting to feel like the days where a team that fielded an "Elite Player" or "Players"  that would just walk through all the competition are over for now. So many quality players all around the city are making a difference and also making it interesting in predicting who is going to win over who. 

Looking at the box scores, many teams on the outside looking in have come close to posting so called upsets.

But in reality there is no such thing as upsets this High School girls basketball season because PARITY has taken hold.

Team A beats team B by 30pts and then Team B beats a team that beat Team A! What!!!!

But thats the beauty of sports, as long as you have a chance no matter how small and minute, your team has RELEVANCE!!!!

Most like and cherish the underdog role but deep down aim and long to be the TEAM to beat!
It's just Human Nature.
Aren't the best movies or stories about overcoming all odds and coming out on top!

Isn't that why Star Wars movies and characters are so adorned!

So District play has started for most teams and your team might be down or they might be up, remember the most important stretch is upon us!

I have some advice to all the teams 
"May the Force be with YOU!"

Here are my Top 10 teams for the City....

1) Steele- Wins: John Tyler, Argyle, Brandeis, Floresville, Brennan, O'Connor, Austin Bowie Losses: Austin Bowie

2) Clark-  Wins: Incarnate Word, Brandeis Losses: Killeen, Argyle Liberty Christian

3) Antonian-  Wins: Johnson (Twice), Brennan, Brandeis, Amarillo Losses: Johnson, Devine, Boerne

4) Incarnate Word- WINS: Westbury Christian(Twice), Kinkaid, Wagner, SA Cole, Johnson, Floresville LOSSES: Georgetown, Westbury Christian, Richardson, Fayetville, AR

5) Johnson- WINS Antonian, Wagner, Brandeis, Lee LOSSES: Antonian (Twice), Taft, Incarnate Word, Brennan

6) Wagner- WINS: Brandeis, Brennan, Plano Prestonwood, Clemens LOSSES: Incarnate Word, South Grand Prairie, Galena North Shore, Johnson, Richardson, Cedar Hill, Plano

7) Clemens- WINS: Judson, Brandeis LOSSES: Johnson, Brandeis, Wagner

8) Judson- WINS: RR Westwood, Killeen, O'Connor(Twice) LOSSES: Cedar Vista Ridge, Madison, Clemens

9)Brandeis- WINS: Amarillo, Taft Losses: Antonian, Steele, Wagner, Brennan, Judson, Johnson, Clark, Clemens

Tied: O'Connor, Brennan, Reagan, Taft

Special Shout Out to Devine and Floresville girls basketball teams playing some great basketball as well!

Games of note:

Tuesday January 5th, 2016
Clemens at Steele 7pm
Wagner at Judson 7pm
Taft at Clark 630pm
Johnson vs Reagan 630pm

Friday January 8th, 2016
Steele at Wagner 7pm

Don't underestimate the Power of Girls Basketball, its force is great!