The Few, the Proud, Your Islanders!

Monday, October 7, 2013

Dreaded Words "TORN ACL"

All the years that I have been involved in coaching youth basketball, one injury more than any other has Coaches and Parents at their edge of their seats when one of their kids sustains a knee injury.
It's almost as you count your blessings when you hear, sprained knee, overextended ligaments, etc

Hearing those words "Torn ACL" can have a traumatizing effect mentally and physically with everyone involved from the patient to parents to siblings to everyone in the circle of friends and coaches.

One of my players, Erin Wimberley 2016, sustained such injury a week ago today.

Although her journey to full recovery has just started, she is turning a negative situation to a positive one by letting others know her story. And maybe in the process, it can help someone in her situation better cope and deal with the recovery process. 

Click link below for Erin Wimberley's story in her own words.

Erin Wimberley on her ACL injury