The Few, the Proud, Your Islanders!

Saturday, January 24, 2015


We want to welcome 2016 Analisa Narro and her family to the SA Islanders family. 

First, let me start with she is Academically one of the top students in IWHS. She is taking the toughest HS curriculum possible with advance AP classes. That is no easy task by itself. Now add that she plays Varsity Basketball to the mix with all the extra late night games and practices, that is impressive.

She is the definition of overcoming adversity. She has gone through setbacks but has always managed to bounce back with a Positive Attitude.

She has a tremendous work ethic to accompany her passion for the game! She has refined her shot to one of the best in the city.

Looking forward to her having a great AAU Club season!

Click below for some IWHS highlights