The Few, the Proud, Your Islanders!

Wednesday, December 16, 2015


Let's have a little fun this week with the rankings.

You always here from fans, parents, players etc., "Why is that team ranked higher than us? We beat that team and they still have them ranked higher than us. They don't know what they are doing!"

You might even hear something in the lines of the following "It's all politics!"

It's only politics until you are #1, then of course, you definitely EARNED the Ranking!

When it comes to Rankings, there are just so many moving parts, too many intangibles, too many circumstances and nothing is cut and dry until the playoffs happen where you win and you move on, you lose and you go home no matter what!

So let's take the following scenario where Incarnate Word High School is hypothetically ranked somewhere. And yes in the spirit of full disclosure, that's where my daughter plays at.

Incarnate Word beat SA Cole who beat Devine who beat Antonian who beat Brennan who beat Brandeis who beat Madison who beat Judson who beat Killeen who beat Clark who in turn beat Incarnate Word!!!!

So who is the better team?

Any team who lost in the above scenario can have a legitimate excuse why they lost! That's why this is so much fun.

Of course you can go deeper into each teams won-loss records to see the overall body of work, overall strength of schedule, comparisons to other teams head to head competition etc

This is the way I see it Right now. But you can ask me 15 minutes from now and I will probably have a completely different list.....

1) Steele
2) Clark
3) Judson
4) Antonian
5) Incarnate Word
6) Wagner
7) Brennan
8) Taft
tied Johnson, Clemens, Lee

The team I left out, Brandeis, has a legitimate chance to win it all in the end even though they have lost 4 out of their last 5 games.

You might say I'm crazy, but not as crazy as the following statement,,,
Did I mention that Madison beat Judson who beat Killeen who beat Clark who beat IWHS who beat Cole who beat Devine who beat Antonian who beat Brennan who beat Brandeis who beat Madison!

Ok, enough, I'm getting dizzy already.

Go Support Girls High School Basketball!!!!!