The Few, the Proud, Your Islanders!

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Cats in the Cradle and the Silver Spoon

Do you ever get that feeling that you want to say," Wow, I am getting old?" Especially when you start seeing your kids doing and experiencing things that not too long ago it may seem you were doing the same exact things. School, Halloween costumes, Homecoming  to name a few.

That feeling gets exponentially worse if you don't have a healthy balance between your work and family time. It is worse because with no family memories of events that are happening in your child's life, your kids may seem like they were just born yesterday and now they are in college, which in turn makes us feel one step closer to retirement age.

So as my schedule became more flexible with the ending of the AAU club season, my attention turned like a laser beam to my 7 year old son, AJ.

For AJ, after a short summer break of practically sleeping to about 2pm every afternoon, the first day of school was upon us. The 6:30am alarm clock rang and AJ was up and adam. No Problem. Ok, let's wait till school is over, he is going to be sleeping in class for sure. So as we pulled in the curved driveway in the after school pickup line, we saw him walking by the sidewalk with his teacher. As he looked up at us, he broke away from his teacher running towards the car yelling, "Dad, First Grade is Awesome!". Turns out, No Problem staying awake for Mr AJ.

So we enrolled him in Cub Scouts at the school and we go out to get his uniform. When we were at the Uniform store getting all his stuff, AJ looked at the wall full of patches that can be earned as you move up the ladder in the Scouting World. His eyes fixated on one in particular, the Skydiving Patch. With an uneasy low tone voice, he nervously muttered, "Dad, I don't think I want to jump out of airplanes".  I went on to calmly explain to him that it wouldn't be necessary to join the Cub Scouts and have to jump out of planes. Somehow he understood but was not completely 100% assured. So when he had to wear his Cub Scout uniform to school in honor of  9/11, I explained to him why it was important for him to walk straight and tall while he wore his uniform. As we walked through the school hallway, it seemed he garnered a lot of attention from the young ladies. I heard someone ask,"AJ are you in Cub Scouts?". AJ with the machismo of JohnWayne, the suave of Cary Grant, the coolness of Clint Eastwood, the bravado of James Bond smoothly and reassuringly responded "Yeah, and I am going to do SKYDIVING....". When I picked him up after school he yelled at me, "Dad, Cub Scouts is going to be Awesome!"

As we went to the movies to go see Frankenweenie, I was thinking to myself that would be a good opportunity for me to take a nap as the movie showed. Wrong. As I thought the movie was boring, he kept me wide awake with his mesmerizing interest in the movie. Heck I almost shed a tear myself with him at the end of the movie. Afterwards, you guessed it, "Dad, that movie was Awesome!"
So the following week, we go see Hotel Transylvania. I thought to myself, might as well join in. We both laughed so hard that when we both came out of the theater we both yelled out at the same time,"Awesome!"

I can go on and on, but sometimes some things are better kept between the two parties involved. That way it makes it more Awesome especially as your reflect on your memories as you get older.

So what does this have to do with Basketball. Well the GIRLS High School Basketball season is about to get going.

Cats in the Cradle and the Silver Spoon.........

Don't stay home saving all your money. Take out your family and go out and spend some money and time supporting Girls High School Basketball.

Me and AJ will tell you that you will not be disappointed cause it's going to be "AWESOME!!!!!!!"